Monday, October 29, 2012
Animation: Another Computer Media Venture
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Higgs Boson
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This Diagram is a visual representation of the Higgs Field in action. If you want to use the image, please link back here. By Rumi Khan. |
Sunday, November 6, 2011
My new app!
Here is a link to the app in iTunes!
Dare to be square
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I would just like to announce after a few days of struggling, I finally got my website online!
Here is the link to my new website!
Monday, August 29, 2011
The Red Square, my first app!
I haven't actually posted in a while so this post will probably come as a complete surprise.
Most people haven't really known that the whole reason for my low activity is a project I've been working on. I'm in the process of publishing my first app for the appstore. I programmed everything and drew all the graphics. I've been working for it for that last 2 and a half months, all day. Its still in testing, if you have an iPhone and you would like to beta test it, just email me. Here is the game trailer!
I will post again once I publish it!
Monday, April 25, 2011
All About AM Radio
I hope you enjoyed the post and do comment if you did. Bye.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Chapter Six: Black Holes

A black hole is an often a misunderstood term. It is not really a hole. A black hole is just a really tiny star whose mass equals ∞ and volume equals 0. Let me explain. A Black hole is formed when a star of reaches 30 solar masses collapses. A solar mass is 1,988,920,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms or 1.98892 X 1030. Thirty solar masses are known as Chandrasekhar’s limit. Anything that is above that collapses before it can throw off enough mass or explode (Supernova) will become a black hole. During the time of Chandrasekhar’s, the 20th century, people thought that a star shrinking down to one point was impossible, even Einstein thought so. But Chandrasekhar was right.
As the tension of the uncertainty principle and gravitational work against each other in big stars, gravity wins and reduces the star to one point. Because the mass is pulled to one singularity, which is impossible, all the laws of science break down. Time slows down. Light, which is both a particle and wave, gets pulled towards the star making it look like a blank spot in space. The light and matter pulled toward the star forms a one-way tube into the black hole that also blocks the singularity from view and is called the event horizon. If anybody were to be on the star at that time they would experience a process called spaghettification. Since the pull on their legs is always stronger than on their head, the person would be pulled apart.
It was often wondered what a naked singularity (without an event horizon blocking out the view) would look like. But before I can explain what it would look like, you must understand gravitational waves. Imagine a cork bobbing in water. The heavier the object, the more gravitational waves would be let out carrying away the energy to make the object a stationary non-rotating object. Just like the cork. When it hits the water it first bobs as water waves carry its energy away. Eventually it will sink as the water waves have carried all its energy away. For a real black hole to form, it should be exactly spherical according to Werner Israel. He said all black holes had to be spherical which meant that the original star must have been exactly spherical. That is impossible. Roger Penrose and John Wheeler said that while the star was becoming a black hole many gravitational waves would carry so much energy away that the black hole would end up perfectly spherical!
There has been many doubters of the black hole theory but there is proof in stars such as Cygnus X-1. The star seems to be rotating around some unseen companion, which is assumed to be a black hole. There exist giant amounts of red-shift energy sources that are just too powerful to be black holes. They are called quasars and are supermassive black holes in the center of a galaxy, which is on the path to destruction. But it might actually be easier to detect small black holes than the supermassives and you’ll find out why in chapter 7!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Forces of Nature
Today's Blog post continues with the discussion of the forces of nature based on chapter six of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Chapter Five: Elementary Particles and Forces of Nature
Sunday, October 17, 2010
What is Quantum Mechanics?

Newton’s success with gravity and other theories let the Frenchman, Marquis de Laplace around the early 19th century to argue that the universe was made in a way such that if we knew the position and velocity of every object at one time then we could predict the future. It is understandable in the case of predicting a planet’s rotation, but predicting human behavior, that’s hard to believe. In early 20th century, two British scientists, Sir James Jeans and Lord Rayleigh said that a hot body must radiate infinite amount of energy. To avoid this ridiculous result, German scientist Max Planck suggested in 1900 that waves were emitted in packets called quanta and making each quanta required a certain amount of energy that is higher than the frequency of the wave making the energy emitted being finite. This suggestion lead to a bigger discovery. In case you forgot, light is a wave. This suggestion about quantum made a German scientist, Werner Heisenberg to say that the longer the wavelength of an object, the easier it is to tell it’s velocity and harder to tell the position and vice-versa with a high wavelength. Because of this, Laplace’s argument might be true, but will never be used since it impossible to tell and objects’ position and velocity at the same time. This became known as the Uncertainty Principle. If you multiply the uncertainty in the position of a particle times the uncertainty of the velocity of the particle multiplied by the mass of the particle your product will always be less than a certain amount known as the Plank’s constant.
Because of the Uncertainty Principle, a new theory called Quantum Mechanics, led by Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and Paul Dirac, sprang up in the 1920’s. This theory stated that objects did not have specific positions and velocity but rather a quantum state, in which they had a combination of both. In general, Quantum Mechanics didn’t predict a single observation rather the probability of that observation. This received a lot of criticism, especially from Einstein but most scientists agreed with it. Quantum Mechanics tells that things can’t be particles or waves, but it is the observation that is a particle or wave. A result of this idea is that when two wave crests and two wave troughs occur at the same time, the wave is reinforced and in phase. If the crests happen at the same time as a trough then both waves cancel each other out and the wave is out of phase.
Before Quantum Mechanics is that the electrons should lose energy and spiral into the nucleus. That means all matter should collapse into a very high density. That can’t be true because it has not happened to all matter! A partial solution was discovered by Danish scientist Niels Bohr in 1913. He said that electrons could only orbit from certain distances form the nucleus. The problem with this is that it was seemed very reasonless. This was fixed in Quantum Mechanics because it said that the electron would travel like a wave.
Quantum Mechanics has helped in technology, creating circuits, building computers and televisions, chemistry, and even biology. General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics have not fully been combined, but will have to work together with other forces of nature to create a single unified theory of the universe.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Chapter Three: The Expanding Universe from A Brief History of Time

If the universe was expanding, shouldn't it eventually collapse? General Relativity Theory supported that the universe must be in motion. Einstien, who liked a static universe, introduced an " antigravity force" that keeps the universe in balance. The only person willing to take Hubble seriously was Alexander Friedmann. Friedmann made two assumptions about the universe: It looks approximatly identical in whichever direction you look and that this would be true wherever you were. In 1965, two American physisist, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, were working with a sensitive microwave detector. The detector detected an almost equal amount of microwave energy outside the atmosphere. They had accidently proved the first of Friedmann's assumptions! As for the second assumption, there has been nothing to prove or disprove it. Friedmann, seeing that the galaxies are moving apart theorized that they must have been at the same place, long ago. This led to the first Friedmann model of the universe, saying that the world began with the Big Bang and will begin to expand, and eventually contract into the Big Crunch. They're actually two other models, one stating the universe will expand forever and the other saying the universe expansion force will eventually become smaller and smaller but never quite reach zero. No one knows which model represents our universe.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Chapter Two: Space and Time

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Our Understanding of the Universe
From now on, every week, I'm going to post a summary for each chapter of the book A Brief History of Time by Steven Hawking. The book explains the universe for those of you who don't understand it. Some topics include black holes, the hunt for the grand unification theory, the arrow of time, the expansion of the universe, quantum mechanics, the beginning and the end of the universe, the uncertainty principle, the forces, and, in the newest edition, wormholes and time travel. You can buy the book here.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Best Books
- A Brief History of Time
- The Red Pyramid
- The Ranger's Apprentice series